Coverage Area
Coverage Area
Booking a Visit
Here you can book a visit with us directly and arrange for a technician to come to your premesis.
You can also book a free consultation call if your situation is a bit more complex.
Either way we will contact you to confirm the availability of the appointment before it’s fully booked in and to get a good idea of your situation.
Our Rates: All-In-One $99: This is WiFix’ all in one service. We’ll do everything within our support scope that you need in the hour of our visit. For more information what our support scope includes please see here.
Overtime $30 per 30 minute block: The $99 cost includes the first hour of service + callout fee to anywhere within our support area. If we go over the allotted time we will charge an additional $30 per 30 minutes in addition to the initial rate.
Consultation FREE: If you’d just like to have a chat about your situation before getting a technician out, or just need some advice, feel free to give us a call!
Alternatively you can always contact us directly on: Phone: (08) 7231 5605 Email: